Ufff, that's it! Expectations book on its way...

Expectations is going to be coming out as a book in less than three months, at the end of June, and best of all it's going to be published by my favourite publisher, Kehrer Verlag in Heidelberg. I originally had a portfolio review with Kehrer at Houston Fotofest in Texas, and they offered to produce a book then. Good things do come out of these portfolio reviews, I would recommend them as a great way to get feedback, but also they open up opportunities - my exhibition at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam this year for example came from a review at Rencontres d'Arles.

I've been writing a series of essays to accompany the pictures, and sequencing those essays in a way that brings out what I really want to say and works with the pictures has meant some hard work. Finally, I have now handed all the materials to the design team who will be getting down to producing layouts and of course the cover, so it's out of my hands for a week or two at least, I can't wait to see how it's going to look! I'll post on here progress reports as the process goes along, so look out for updates.

There's a page on Kehrer's website about the book, you can see here